Call for Applications: FutureSkills4All Social Media Competition

competition intro

Are you ready to showcase your journey with FutureSkills4All and demonstrate how this initiative has transformed your future skills? Join our exciting social media competition and stand a chance to attend the prestigious Knowledge Summit in November 2024, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Competition Details:

Submission Requirements:
  1. Video Format: Create a 30 to 60-second video showcasing:
    1. Your name and the course/learning pathway you are benefitting from through FutureSkills4All.
    2. How the FutureSkills4All programme has impacted your life.
    3. And/or examples of how you are developing future skills and achieving learning milestones.
    4. And/or instances where you have applied these skills and the benefits you have gained doing so.
  2. Languages: Submissions can be in English, Arabic, or French.
  3. Video Quality: High-quality footage shot horizontally. Mobile footage is accepted.
  4. Platform: Publish your video on one or more social media platforms, and tag the Knowledge Project on (LinkedIn ,Facebook ,Instagram ,X ), MBRF (LinkedIn ,Facebook ,Instagram ,X ) , and UNDP (LinkedIn ,Facebook ,Instagram ,X ) . Make sure to use the hashtag: #FutureSkills4Me.
  5. Submission: Additionally, share with us the link to your social media post by email at
knowledge for all

What’s in it for you? By participating, you:

  1. Enhance your competencies and showcase your achievements.
  2. Stand a chance to be selected to attend the esteemed Knowledge Summit 2024 in Dubai, UAE, with all expenses covered.

To be considered for selection, learners must have completed a full learning pathway before 30 September 2024.

Important Dates:
  1. Applications Open: 15 July 2024
  2. Deadline for Submissions: 15 September 2024
  3. Assessment of Videos: 16-30 September 2024
  4. Announcement of Summit Participants: 1-10 October 2024
knowledge for all

Unlock your FutureSkills4All potential, share your knowledge, and make your voice heard at the Knowledge Summit 2024!

Don’t miss this opportunity to highlight your journey with FutureSkills4All and potentially join us at the Knowledge Summit 2024. We look forward to seeing your inspiring entries. Start shaping your future, today!

Contact Information: For inquiries or assistance, please contact